Care Line Group Gap Cover
November 28, 2024
Medical aids hold on to a lot of your money. As a medical aid member, you need to know that your medical aid won’t pay your in-hospital bills in full. The Care Line Group has made an insurance business of covering medical aid shortfalls.
There are specialists that charge over the medical aid tariff rate. Your medical aid isn’t going to pay for that excess amount. Sometimes these amounts can run into thousands of Rands. Without gap cover, you will have to pay those enormous shortfall amounts.
Gap cover – a matter of good sense
It is precisely why South African medical aid members are taking out gap cover. This top-up medical insurance is their lifeline. Fortunately, premiums are affordable and there are also many providers of gap cover too.
The Care Line Group is one. They’re an authorised financial service provider. They offer expert advice on medical aid but they also assist with gap cover and other financial assistance.
They’ve got an in-house Care Team who are accredited specialists in their fields. They do a financial needs analysis to ensure you get products suited to your needs and your budget.
They offer flexible and customised gap cover insurance policies that cater for all budgets. You can get gap cover at up to 600% of the scheme rate.
Care Line Group Brokers- Take your Pick
Their gap cover is for the whole family. Their gap cover comes from leading short term insurance companies in South Africa – Turnberry, Cura and Stratum. Between these you have a host of gap cover options.
They’ve been around since 2001. They offer seven gap cover products – Premier, Optimal, Synergy, Launch, Med Extend, Extended Family Cover and Travel Assist.
Premier is their more expensive option. It’s for the entire family. It offers a vast range of benefits to handle those medical expense shortfalls. It also comes with comprehensive cancer benefits.
Their Travel Assist for instance offers international travel cover to those Turnberry policyholders who request it.
Cura Administrators was established in 1997. They administer health-related products for South Africans.
They offer several gap cover plans – their Gapco Basic, Gapco MRI, Gapco Sub and Gapco Subca Plus. This is their most comprehensive gap cover. It is so comprehensive that people get mislead, likening it to medical schemes.
Cura gap cover is an enhancement to your medical cover. There is no maximum entry age on this policy either which is an attractive drawcard.
For more than a decade, Stratum Benefits has been providing individuals, families and businesses with their no-nonsense gap cover. Their gap cover plans include Compact 200, Elite, Co-Evolution, Base and Access Optimiser Plus.
Gap cover is for all ages. Across the plans, these short-term insurance policies tackle shortfalls, co-payments, cancer benefits and more.
Even their Base cover – their foundation option, provides cover for all the most frequent medical expense shortfalls that you’ll come across.
Gap cover is truly affordable
Medical practitioners charge whatever they like. Whatever is over the medical aid tariff amount, you’ll have to pay. It can break you financially. The only solution is gap cover.
With so many Gap cover plans starting from as little as R200 00 a month, its an affordable way to ensure that you receive quality medical care without fretting about the bills.
Complete and submit the form on this page to get your complimentary gap cover quote
All info was correct at time of publishing