Cura Gap Cover

December 1, 2024

Cura gap cover comes from Hollard insurance. It’s the ideal short term insurance to help with hospital cover and other health care needs not covered by your medical scheme. But I have full cover from my plan, you’re thinking right now.

Yes, you may think you have 100% cover but there are always extras creeping into any hospital stay – there could be complications and you end up staying another week. There will be charges for extra consumables.

What if you need medical and surgical procedures during your hospital stay or outpatient treatment after surgery? Your gap cover plan takes care of all this.

Medical aid members can apply for a complimentary medical gap cover quote
by completing and sending the form on this page. Act now!

The Best Cure for any Medical Aid Shortfall is Cura Gap Cover

Cura Gap Cover

Gap cover insurance such as Cura does carry some exceptions, including:

  • No medical cover for hospitalisation due to nuclear weapons or materials.
  • Cura gap cover won’t pay the gap for surgery for obesity.
  • Medical gap cover won’t cover payments for cosmetic surgery or any surgery related to cosmetic surgery.
  • Cura gap cover doesn’t not include payments for routine physical check-ups or procedures relating to a diagnostic nature.
  • Attempted suicide or intentional self-harm do not qualify for Cura gap cover
  • There is no cover against the use of narcotics in any form other than a registered medical practitioner has prescribed and told you how to use. Nor will illness caused by the consumption of alcohol.
  • Gap cover insurance does not cover drug addiction and related illness.
  • Medical aid gap cover does not cover participation in any active military duty, riots or strikes.
  • No cover for aviation incidents, unless you are a passenger.


More Exceptions

  • Any type of speed or race test other than on foot and involving non mechanically propelled vehicles
  • Benefits that should legally be payable by your current medical aid scheme, including medication, Prescribed Minimum Benefits, theatre and ward fees and other hospital expenses won’t be covered.
  • Any procedure declined by your medical aid will not fall under Cura gap cover.
  • No benefits will be paid out for an insured event that you have received treatment for prior to joining gap cover.
  • From the inception of the gap policy, there will be no benefits paid out for a period of 12 months for pregnancy or childbirth.
  • Infertility, treatment surgery and investigations are not covered.
  • Mental illnesses, stress, insanity, depression and psychotic disorders will not fall under gap cover expenses.


Remember that gap cover is purely a medical aid supplement, not full medical cover, and can be applied for regardless of the medical aid you belong to.

Medical aid members can apply for a family medical gap cover quote
by completing and sending the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing