Turnberry Gap Cover

November 30, 2024

Turnberry gap cover for those medical shortfalls, as we hope never to experience the regret of spending money that was for more exciting times, like a holiday, than on medical emergency shortfalls.

But even with the best medical aid cover, a trip to hospital can see you paying out of your own pocket for what you thought you were already covered for!

Turnberry cover is one of the great gap cover medical shortfall solutions for such times. It will help cover the difference between private rates and medical aid rates.

With Turnberry cover, you’re never put in a devastating position. You have peace of mind that the medical gap cover has you covered.

Medical aid members can apply for one medical gap cover quote for the whole family by completing and sending the form on this page

There’s a Lot More To Turnberry Gap Cover than You Can Imagine –

Turnberry Gap Cover

It doesn’t matter which medical aid in South Africa you belong to. You still need gap cover.

Turnberry Insurance Group offers a range of products designed to reduce financial burdens that come with medical costs during times of hospitalisation.

Most medicals aids do cover hospital costs up to 100% of the medical aid rate. But it’s the costs that specialists charge that can leave you out of pocket if you don’t have shortfall insurance.

Your policy will cover charges that are above the recommended medical aid rate. They provide cover up to 500%. Some co-payments are also covered.

What It Offers

Turnberry gap cover is an affordable medical aid accompaniment. All members receive R5 000 000 international travel insurance as a free benefit.

However, medicines, theatre and ward fees plus materials and PMBs are excluded.

Here are some of Turnberry’s Care plans available:

Execu-Care from Turnberry Gap Cover

This is a comprehensive offering that covers most in-hospital shortfalls and comprises:

  • A cash back benefit
  • 500% cover
  • A cancer benefit
  • Sublimit and co-payments cover


The Pro-Care Option

This Turnberrygap cover option offers cover up to 500% for hospitalisation. It covers the gap between specialist and medical aid rates. It also covers in-hospital extraction of wisdom teeth:

  • Pro-care 300 for 300% plans
  • The Pro-care 200 for 200% plans
  • Pro-care 100 for 100% plans
  • The Pro-care Senior for gap cover for members between 65 – 79 years of age



This option covers in-hospital co-payments such as dentistry; scans and scopes. It also covers sub-limits for internal prosthesis.

With this option, members can choose Elect-a-Care Senior which provides
co-payments and sublimit cover for people between the ages of 65-79.

Limitations to Turnberry Gap Cover

The overall annual limits with Turnberry are considerably high, meaning they will cover the gap for serious events.

There is a 3 month waiting period when taking out a policy. The maternity waiting period is 9 months and 12 months on hysterectomies.

If you belong to the following medical aids you can apply for Turnberry gap cover:

  • Liberty medical aid
  • GEMS medical aid
  • Discovery medical aid
  • Bonitas medical aid


You need gap cover which ever way you look at it – Medical treatment and specialists fees are NOT getting cheaper.

Medical aid members can apply for a medical gap cover quote
by completing and sending the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing