Get Gap Cover for Genesis Medical Aid

November 24, 2024

You must have heard about gap cover for Genesis Medical Aid by now. So what is gap cover?

The basic idea is gap cover insures you for shortfalls in specialist treatment costs. Even if you have a medical aid plan or a hospital plan, you still need gap cover.

My Medical Aid Pays 100% for Hospital Cover

That’s true but when they say 100%, what do they mean?

Do they mean that they will pay the whole bill, regardless of medical aid rates? Or will they pay 100% of medical aid rates?

That distinction can make a big difference. And, what about the annual caps for the policy? These might seem impossible to reach, but even a minor surgery can cost tens of thousands of Rands. With no gap cover, you will be paying for that.

But I Have a Hospital Plan so why Do I need Gap Cover for Genesis Medical Aid

A hospital plan is structured differently to a medical aid in that it is a more specialised cover. This does not mean that you are fully covered, though. Most hospital plans pay out regarding the basic medical aid rates and do have caps in place.

You can quite easily reach the cap and end up paying more than the basic medical aid rate.

Gap Cover for Genesis Medical Aid – What it can Do for You

Gap cover pays the shortfall between the basic medical aid rate and the actual rate that specialists charge during a hospital stay.

Gap Cover for Genesis Medical Aid

Which Gap Cover Should I Choose?

There are some different options available to you. In this instance, we will discuss Xelus Gap Cover. The option you choose will depend on your needs.

The policy is designed to reduce the financial burden on clients during a medical crisis. The Xelus cover helps you pay for the medical shortfall to get the care you need.

There are several different plans you can choose. Take a plan that suits your needs and budget best. Xelus is a highly efficient organization that offers real value for money for clients.

Comprehensive Cover You Can Afford

Xelus offers a comprehensive product that covers a range of conditions. The treatment of cancer is included, and the policy will cover co-payments and deductibles as well.

Xelus also includes wellness cover for those who are working but not insured. The processes related to this are efficient and profitable.

The gap cover works through the primary health care practitioners to manage that needs regarding care for employees.

Who Can Join?

As long as you are a current member of one of the following medical aid schemes, you can join:

  • Liberty
  • Sizwe
  • Genesis
  • Discovery
  • Hosmed
  • GEMS
  • Bonitas

Are There Exclusions?

All gap covers do have some exclusions to make them more affordable. Exclusions from Xelus include injuries that are self-inflicted, attempted suicide and cosmetic surgery.

How long do I wait for the cover to become available?

The initial cover applies after three months except where there is a pre-existing condition or maternity. The maternity benefit applies after 12 months. The waiting period for pre-existing conditions depends on the situation.

To get a FREE medical gap cover quote, just complete and send the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing