Gap Cover for Selfmed Medical Scheme
November 26, 2024
Gap cover for Selfmed Medical Scheme. Gap cover is something that you may or may not have heard mentioned.
If you have a medical aid scheme or a hospital plan, gap cover might seem unnecessary. However, it’s an essential form of insurance.
Gap cover is just as vital as your medical aid when it comes to protecting your health and financial situation.
What is Gap cover for Selfmed Medical Scheme
This policy covers shortfalls between the hospital bill and what your medical aid plan actually pays out. Therefore your medical aid pays 100% of your hospital expenses and gap cover pays for the shortfall.
Specialists and hospitals are not bound to charge the same rate. In fact, they will usually cost more – as much as four or five times.
And if you don’t have gap cover, guess who has to pay that extra money? That’s right – you!
Who Should Get Gap Cover?
Considering the cost of hospitalisation these days, it’s a good idea for everyone to have gap cover. You never can tell whether or not you’re going to be in an accident or when you will need emergency care.
Considering that we are talking of thousands of Rands in bills here generally, most people will not be in a position to pay any excess.
Gap cover for Selfmed Medical Scheme – who qualifies for it? Anyone who is already a member of a registered medical aid can apply.
Is Gap Cover Expensive?
Depending on what coverage option you choose it is reasonably affordable. You can choose a very basic plan that only covers emergency expenses.
Or get a more comprehensive policy that covers things like cancer treatments and specialist dentistry as well.
Will There Be a Waiting Period?
Yes, there will normally be a waiting period which changes depending on the plans themselves. In general, you will need to wait at least three months to be able to claim in most instances.
If you have a pre-existing condition, the company determines the waiting period. Most policies don’t cover pregnancy expenses during the first year.
Are There Going to be Exclusions?
Again, this depends on the plan you choose and the company’s policies. There is a maximum age after which you can no longer join up.
What Happens When I Claim?
Regarding the South African law, the monies paid out to cover a claim must be given to the policyholder directly and not paid to the service provider.
To get a FREE medical gap cover quote, just complete and send the form on this page.
All info was correct at time of publishing