Linksave Gap Cover Rescues Medical Aid Members
December 3, 2024
It’s a real question to ask. ‘Why does anyone need gap cover when they already have a medical aid’? Fortunately, Linksave Gap Cover is the answer because there are some medical expenses that your medical aid will not cover.
To save you having to pay out a fortune for these expenses, you get gap cover.
Gap cover is going to be increasingly important if you don’t want to get massive medical bills that you can’t possibly pay for out of your pocket.
Medical aid members can apply for one FREE medical gap cover quote
by completing and sending the form on this page
Linksave – Some Surgery Even Refused without Gap Cover!
Yes! Some specialists will refuse to perform surgery on those who don’t have gap cover? And the reason for this is that they are reacting from experience as they have experienced partial payments from medical aid schemes in the past and they want to ensure this doesn’t happen to them again.
Linksave responds to what Medical Aids Won’t Do
To be healthy in South Africa you need a medical aid, but people are unhappy that their medical aid schemes are not covering them sufficiently, and sometimes not at all.
Medical gap policies are therefore an invaluable safety net. Significantly, gap cover doesn’t replace medical aid, but rather takes care of medical aid shortfalls. Essentially, gap insurance covers the shortfall that arises from specialist charges for in-hospital procedures.
Linksave Was one Of the First to See the Gap (Cover)
Linksave, an authorised financial services provider, recognized this shortfall and they were one of the first gap cover service providers. As an Underwriting Management Agency, Linksave eliminates the middle man and offer 5 affordable products for their clients. These are –
- Gap 500 Plus
- The Gap 500 Standard
- Gap Comprehensive
- Network Plus
- Gap Limit Booster
Remember too, if your child is a student, has turned 21 and unmarried, then they will still enjoy cover under your policy until the age of 25.
Where medical aid have specified co-payments or deductibles applied to certain procedures which the member must pay, Gap Comprehensive will reimburse the co-payment/deductible amount.
Medical aid often put limits on certain procedures, but Gap Comprehensive sorts this problem out.
We all know how medical aid puts limits on certain treatments such as Chemotherapy which are critical to the very life of certain patients.
Gap Comprehensive will provide an amount per insured member for cancer treatment shortfalls. Also, with the death of the principal member, the remaining insured wife and other members will enjoy free Gap Comprehensive cover for a further period of 24 months providing that everyone remains on the medical aid.
Linksave Gap Cover ensures You’re Protected
Remember, that to qualify for a gap cover policy you are required to be a member of a registered medical aid scheme.
And by adding gap cover to your medical aid , you can at least help remove or at least mitigate your stress about protecting yourself and your family when you’re in a health crisis.
At such low premiums and fantastic benefits, Gap Cover can be regarded as your lifeline to affordable health care.
Apply NOW for one FREE medical gap cover quote by completing and sending the form on this page. Medical aid members only
All info was correct at time of publishing