A Medical Gap Cover Testimonial

December 2, 2024

Hello there,

I would like to tell you how medical gap cover helped our family. You can use it as a  testimonial if you wish.

Several years ago, we chose a basic option on our medical aid as we are a healthy family. In fact, none of us had ever been to a hospital.

A broker advised us to take the Bonsave option from the Bonitas medical scheme.  This is a simple hospital plan.

The broker said that it would be cheaper to take  additional gap cover insurance than to upgrade to a (much) more expensive medical aid plan.

Hers was particularly good advice since we hardly use our medical aid from year to year.

She was right: and the only time we needed hospital cover was about five years ago when I had a polyp removed from my uterus.

Medical Gap Cover TestimonialBut this is where my Complimed Gap Cover came in.

Testimonial About Complimed

The anaesthetist charged 150% of medical aid rates (a lot more than the medical aid was prepared to pay).

Also, there were other expenses relating to the procedure that Bonsave did not cover at all. And my gap cover paid all the expenses we were liable for.

And what was convenient was that Complimed paid me within seven days of the operation. So I could pay the bills from their reimbursement without having to pay from my funds and wait for payment.

For less than R200 a month for the three of us, we have the peace of mind that we have cover for any scary hospital bills.

So we recommend medical gap cover highly. (And if you change medical aids, you can still continue with the same gap cover.)



If you are a medical aid member, request your gap cover quote here. Please complete and send the form on this page so we can send a quote.

All info was correct at time of publishing