Looking for a phone number for a gap cover company?

December 5, 2024

There’s no reason to get a phone number if you are a medical aid member looking for shortfall cover. Contact us via the contact box on this page and we will call you back. Or we can email you if you like.

Maybe you are not even clear about what gap cover is, and that’s why you want our phone number? Well, here’s a quick guide to save you the cost of a telephone call:

Phone numnber for a gap company
  1. Gap cover is meant for members of registered medical schemes in South Africa only.
  2. Also called shortfall insurance, this kind of assurance means that if you have to go to hospital, particularly for specialist treatment, any legitimate co-payments for the bills arising will be paid in cash by the insurance company to you. The member then settle the outstanind amounts with the service provider.
  3. Gap cover is relatively inexpensive. The monthly premium amounts to about 5% to 10% of your monthly medical aid premium.
  4. Gap cover is a specialised area of insurance and that is why it is so effective. Tens of thousands of medical aid members are satisfied with their gap cover
  5. Short-term insurance companies who specialise in this kind of cover provide gap cover. These companies are totally separate from the medical aids themelves.
  6. Once you provide your name, surname, cell phone number and email address – and answer a cojuple of questions – via the form we will ring you back to discuss your precise needs.
  7. It does not matter how many people are on your medical aid or what plan you are on (comprehensive, hospital plan or another plan). You qualify for gap cover if you are a member of a medical aid.

Give us your phone number so we can give you further guidance

You have medical aid and that’s great. But it’s probably not enough – especially if you need specialist oncology treatment, for instance.

Complete the form on this page so we can get hold of you. Act now so you don’t get landed unexpectedly for medical bills you are unable to pay!

All info was correct at time of publishing