Stratum Benefits Base Option

December 1, 2024

Gap cover in South Africa has become an absolute necessity. There is an ongoing increase in medical aid premiums and medical treatment in South Africa. So you, as a medical aid member, owe it to yourself to look at the Stratum benefits on offer.

Stratum has been in the South African market for more than 15 years. And with that broad experience, they offer gap cover at affordable prices. As one of the top ten medical gap cover companies in South Africa, Stratum gives you a broker-free product. It will meet the shortfall effectively in your medical policy.

Apply for one FREE medical gap cover quote by completing and sending the form on this page. ONLY Medical aid members may apply

Stratum Benefits – Protect Yourself and Your Family

If your medical aid ever requests a co-payment, Stratum gap cover will save you from paying vast sums of money. When admitted to Stratum Benefitshospital, you may be required to make a payment before the rest of the bill is paid. Stratum Gap Cover makes provision for this.

Stratum Base will take care of the 500% tariff shortfall – the difference between what your specialist charges you and what your medical aid is willing to pay out in claims. It provides for this through their efficient and sought after Base 500 product which will pay out up to 500% of your medical scheme’s tariff.

Stratum Benefits – Sub-Limit Benefit

Medical schemes also enforce sub-limits on how much they will be willing to pay out for those in-hospital procedures, so that should the cost of your treatment be more than the sub-limit, the sub-limit benefit which is part of Stratum gap cover will take care of this. The sub-limit benefit is also available for cancer treatments.

This is of particular value because most of the medical aid schemes in South Africa today have a sub-limit for cancer, which is mostly only available to members who have joined the Comprehensive benefit.

Stratum Benefits – The Casualty Benefit

One of the benefits that Stratum Gap Cover offers is their Casualty Benefit. The reason for this is that most of the medical aid schemes don’t cover out-patient or casualty treatment.

When you think of it, the casualty department of a hospital is busy, as it caters for all those general mishaps which happen every day.

These emergency departments specialise in emergency medicine and the acute care of patients who arrive there without a prior appointment.

You’ll appreciate the range of Stratum Gap Cover options you get of which this is one. Without this kind of benefit you simply end up using your own savings on such hospital visits.

Don’t be Caught without Earnings

Another noteworthy feature of Stratum Base Option is that the Comprehensive and Elite options have the Premium Waiver benefit to Stratum Gap Cover subscribers.

This means that in the case of a retrenchment or you being disabled and are unable to keep up with your premiums, your beneficiaries will still be covered for a specified period.

Gap Cover – a Necessary Investment

When it comes to medical treatment in South Africa, you want the best result, and without Stratum Benefits Base Option gap cover, you’ll never be able to enjoy all the best that your medical aid offers.

Apply for your personal medical gap cover quote by completing and sending the form on this page. ONLY Medical aid members may apply

All info was correct at time of publishing