Stratum Gap Insurance Takes the Gap

December 2, 2024

Stratum has continued to expand and improve its health insurance product range since achieving the Financial Intermediaries Association’s 2017 Award as Product Supplier of the Year. And, when it comes to medical gap cover, Stratum gap insurance offers a wide spectrum of products to suit all lifestyles and budgets.

In fact, Stratum is one of the South African insurance companies that have opened its doors to senior citizens offering gap cover.

With monthly premiums available for the younger generation from as little as R110, Stratum gap insurance continues to set itself aside from the opposition with gap cover benefits such as Overall Policy Limits (OPL) per person annually.

Stratum gap insurance
Gap Insurance is for Medical Aid Members Only!

So, no matter if you are a swinging single or a hip senior citizen, Stratum’s gap cover offers the options and the flexibility to meet those unforeseen out-of-pocket medical expenses that are not covered by your medical scheme. And now, with the introduction of its premium waiver benefit, policyholders who are unable to work because of illness or an accident can recuperate without worrying about meeting their monthly gap cover payment obligations.

Why gap cover is a necessity

Gone are “the good old days” when medical aid cover was sufficient to meet the financial healthcare needs of South Africa families. The ever-rising cost of medication, coupled with exorbitant medical practitioner and private hospital fees, have combined to erode the value of stand-alone medical aid cover. It has also had a huge impact on the cost of medical aid with monthly premiums going through the roof.

It is no wonder then that many South African are bewildered as to why they need to incur additional financial healthcare obligations but the reality is that gap cover can no longer be regarded as a luxury when the fact is that it is an absolute necessity if you want to safeguard yourself and your family from unexpected and substantial financial setbacks.

Gap cover does exactly what its name implies – it covers the gap between what your medical scheme pays in terms of its prescribed tariff rate and what you are billed for your treatment or procedure by your medical professional.

Stratum gap insurance products

Stratum has and continues to build its experience and reputationbased on nearly two decades of service, during which time it has evolved a number of different gap cover options to suit all lifestyles and financial budgets.

  • Benefits include options such as co-payment insurance that will cover you for those additional fees charged by your medical aid scheme for hospital admissions and certain medical procedures.
  • Closing the gap, Stratum will cover you for up to 500 per cent of the difference between medical scheme tariffs and private hospital and practitioner fees.
  • Another benefit is that a Stratum gap cover policy can cover you for limits and sub-limits imposed by your medical scheme for hospital procedures, oncology treatments and prosthetic limbs. The cost of these items is capped by medical schemes and without gap cover you will be personally liable for the shortfalls.
  • Gap cover also offers the option of a casualty benefit that will cover treatments in the event of an emergency such as a motor accident. This crucial cover is not included by most medical aid schemes.


Safeguard yourself and your family today by completing the form on this page to receive a gap cover quote for a policy streamlined to suit your needs.

All info was correct at time of publishing