In 2024 You Need Gap Cover

December 9, 2021

2021 is going to be a roller coaster ride, and the last thing you need is massive co-payments on your medical scheme bills. That means paying major amounts out of your own pocket.

Families have lost homes, vehicles and savings through excessive co-payments. And that’s a pity, because gap cover (also called top-up or shortfall insurance) is inexpensive.

2024 Process for Signing Up for Gap Cover

First you get a quote from a top gap cover company. Fortunately, you are at the right place. You request a gap cover quote on this page. When the insurer contacts you with a quote, they will help you to sign up Gap Cover in 2021 for Your Medical Aidfirst. It’s quick, easy and affordable.

Take not of the following (just to inform you what gap cover is all about):

  • You can expect to pay the equivalent of around 10% of what you pay monthly for medical aid. So if your monthly medical scheme premium is R6000 a month, then your monthly gap premium will be around R600, depending on the options you choose.
  • Gap cover is really simple. There are only a few options, which makes it easy for you to get an accurate quote and sign up fast via website contact box, phone and email.
  • Only medical scheme members qualify for gap cover. Health insurance plans do not qualify.
  • With medical costs skyrocketing, in 2021 you definitely need to cover the growing gap between what a medical aid is prepared to pay for a hospital say, an operation, medication or anything else.
  • It does not matter what medical aid you belong to in 2023. Every registered medical scheme in South Africa
  • There are hardly any waiting periods for gap cover. The chances are good that your medical gap insurance will kick in right away.
  • Really can you afford to be without supplementary insurance for your medical aid?


Please complete and submit the form on this page to request your medical aid quote.



All info was correct at time of publishing