Find out about Ambledown gap cover reviews

December 1, 2024

Ambledown is a financial services provider. The Ambledown gap cover review here fills in the gaps you need to know about them.

  • They pay up to five times more than the MST limit
  • Cancer patients get cover for each treatment cycle
  • Co-payments and deductibles covered
  • The casualty benefit covers emergency medical treatment in a casualty unit

The Ambledown gap Cover review – And you

Medical gap cover is short term insurance and not a medical aid plan.

Therefore, it does not fall under the laws of the Council for Medical Schemes but under the Short-term Insurance Act.

Having Gap cover is vital. Don’t think because your medical plan pays 100 or 300% of the scheme rate, it pays all your bills. Not at all. You still have to pay the shortfall on your doctors bills and that can break you.

Ambledown gap Cover review – Sometimes medical Aid plans are Not that Clear

Ambledown gap Cover reviewIn fact, the problem is that they don’t tell you that specialists can charge as much as 500% of medical aid rates. This means that there is quite a bit that your medical aid won’t pay. You have to. However, with gap cover you don’t have to worry about over-the-top bills.

Gap cover only provides cover up to a certain amount so choose it carefully. Ambledown may be worth your consideration.

Ambledown gap Cover and Benefits

  • Ambledown is an authorised Financial Services Provider
  • Their gap cover limit is R2 million per annum
  • 12 months waiting period for pre-existing conditions, 3 months for all other issues and 12 months for pregnancy
  • Different gap cover options such as Gap LPE Advanced and Gap 100. Limited to five times the medical scheme tariff, the option has an annual limit of R2 000 000 for each family each year.
  • Sub-limitation, cancer and casualty cover benefit
  • Buy gap cover from as little as R200 a month
  • Ambledown covers children up to 21 and up to 25 if they are full time students
  • Pay outs up to 500% of the medical aid tariffs.


But, not everyone is thrilled with Ambledown in spite of great products as a look at Hello Peter reveals. Yes, some people are delighted with them, but there are others who have a few issues.

Your next Move

Life can throw anything at you – illness or injury. Gap cover is a vital part of your insurance because it prepares you for these uncertainties. You need to research the product if you want to find the best option. Maybe Ambledown is a good plan for you. That’s why you need to see what others are saying about them in order to make the best choice.

All info was correct at time of publishing