Gap Cover for Liberty Health Members
December 1, 2024
If you have ever had to seek specialist medical advice, you soon found out how expensive it is. That’s why there is Gap Cover for Liberty Health Members.
Specialists are more likely today to charge a fee that exceeds the standard medical aid rates quite substantially.
Your medical aid pays out in agreement with the standard tariffs, which means that you have to pay for the shortfall.
Just when you should be recovering from your hospital stay, you have to worry about how you are going to pay for it.
The issue is that medical aid schemes have not kept pace with the increases in specialist tariffs leaving quite a significant gap that someone has to pay.
And that someone is you.
But I’m Covered for Hospital Stays 100%
That is what most people think. And it is true as long as the fees match the standard medical aid rates. They very seldom do, especially when it comes to private hospitals.
And then you need to remember that you will be getting separate bills from the different professionals who dealt with your case – the surgeon, the anaesthetist, etc. Each of whom set their own rates.
Most private hospitals require you to pay a deposit in advance of treatment. Will you be able to find the money quickly?
What About My Hospital Plan?
Hospital plans may have similar limitations concerning the rates that they will pay. Also, you might find that you can only claim once you have spent a few days in the hospital.
Hospital plans help, but they still do not fill the gap.
Gap Cover for Liberty Health Members
You are off the hook for exorbitant medical fees with Gap Cover for Liberty Health Members when there is a shortfall in your medical aid or hospital plan.
Your medical aid gap cover works in conjunction with your medical aid to finance the amount left over once the medical plan has reached its payment threshold.
Gap Cover for Liberty Health Members. So, It Must Be Expensive?
Actually, no, the premiums are not bad at all. Because this is a very specialised cover, the premiums are not excessive.
And the policy will often cover your spouse and children at no extra cost as long as they are dependents when it comes to your primary medical aid.
You can choose between two different plans at a level of cover that suits you.
Who Can Join?
Liberty does not have restrictions regarding age or the number of children you can include. As long as you and those you wish to cover have the same amount of protection regarding your medical aid.
Belonging to a recognised medical aid scheme, however, is required.
To get a FREE medical gap cover quote, just complete and send the form on this page.
All info was correct at time of publishing