Curemed Takes Away Hospital Fee Pains

November 24, 2024

You might have chosen to receive 100% cover on your medical aid plan scheme rates. So you assume that you will receive just that – 100% cover. Unfortunately, that is where a lot of us are wrong, and that is where Curemed comes in.

Curemed offers gap cover. That saves you from forking out for costly treatments that you may need to sell your home to buy.

They do all that frustrating liaising with medical aid schemes on your behalf and comparisons to see what is best for you. Their mission is to offer special gap cover and to ensure that your claims are covered in full.

Complete and send the form on this page to request a medical gap cover quote NOW. Only Medical aid members can apply

Curemed Cures the Terrible Shortfalls That Medical Aid Schemes Encounter

In fact, 100% cover does not mean comprehensive cover. That is because many medical specialists can and do often charge rates that are more than that 100% that medical schemes pay.

ICuremed Gap Coverf there are additional costs, these will have to come from you, from your pocket. This excess amount is known as Gap cover, and in South Africa, it has become a critical supplement to medical aid.

In many instances, Gap cover does not form a component of your medical aid scheme. It doesn’t fall even under the medical aid jurisdiction. It falls under the same jurisdiction as that regulated by short-term insurance.

If you read the small print of most of the insurance companies, you will soon learn that there are always going to be financial shortfalls that you will end up having to pay.

With Gap cover, those extra expenses which can be pretty hefty will be directly refunded to you and not to the hospital or your specialist. From those funds, you will be responsible for reimbursing the specific individuals or institutions correctly and appropriately.

Curemed – Rest in Hospital without Nasty Surprises

Generally speaking, you will only claim Gap cover once your medical aid scheme has paid all the required parties that needed payment.

For instance, if you have an expensive stay in a hospital and even if your medical aid does cover some costs, there will always be other bills to pay.

With Gap cover, you get to enjoy up to 500% of scheme tariffs when you are in the hospital which means that there won’t be any extra amounts you need to pay. You also won’t have any other financial woes to stress about.

If your medical aid scheme requires you to pay a co-payment for certain specific hospital procedures, Gap cover will be able to help you with this too.

 Call CureMed

CureMed is a medical aid brokerage firm, and they offer this specialised gap cover. They will ensure that your medical claims are covered fully.

It is going to happen that a medical doctor will charge amounts that exceed your scheme’s tariffs, but with gap cover, you can rest assure you will not pay any extra costs.

CureMed will advise you in respect of their gap cover on important issues such as –

  • Paying one premium which covers the whole family
  • If you don’t belong to a medical scheme, you cannot apply for gap cover
  • With gap cover, the insurance company pays 500% of the scheme rates directly to you
  • If there are also group schemes available

Curemed has a team of experts to assist you as a client with their range of personalised services. They will help you in choosing the best option to suit your needs. Leave the headaches to the experts and get covered today.

Complete and send the form on this page to request a medical gap cover quote NOW. Only Medical aid members can apply  

All info was correct at time of publishing