Gap Cover for Bonitas Medical Aid

November 26, 2024

Even if your Medical Aid pays 100% of the Medical Aid Rate for a specialist procedure, you could still be left having to pay an expensive shortfall? That’s where Gap Cover for Bonitas Medical Aid comes in.

Medical specialists fees vary and they often charge higher rates for their expertise. In some cases, this could be five times as much as what the Medical Aid Rate is.

Gap cover for Bonitas Medical Aid – Is this cover Necessary?

If you go into hospital for a procedure tomorrow, do you have the extra money to pay any amount not covered by your medical aid? Medical Gap Cover Insurance helps to bridge the shortfall so you don’t end up paying for it.

Keep in mind that the excess can be at least as much as what the medical aid does pay. And in some cases a lot more than you could imagine.

If you want to avoid a huge excess amount after your procedure, Gap Cover for Bonitas Medical Aid is a good option. You have complete control over paying the excess as the policy pays you directly.

Gap Cover for Bonitas Medical Aid

Would I be able to Get this Cover?

Is there A waiting Period?

  • There is an initial wait of 3 months before any benefits apply.
  • If you have any pre-existing conditions, like diabetes, you need to wait 12 months. The same applies for maternity cover.

Are There Exclusions?

  • Obesity treatments, such as the stapling of the stomach.
  • Cosmetic surgery, unless it is necessary because of trauma or because of cancer treatments.
  • Claims not submitted within six months.
  • Specialised dentistry.
  • A co-payment not defined at the outset.


Gap cover will be disallowed if the excess is as a result of a fee, a limit or a penalty imposed by your medical aid due to the rules being disregarded in terms of the authorisation. Such as when you use a hospital that is outside of the medical aid’s provider network.

To get a FREE medical gap cover quote, just complete and send the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing