Instantlife Gap Insurance from Absa

November 29, 2024

Absa is a financial benefactor who administers an assortment of insured coverage services including Instantlife gap insurance. Among these facilities, you will discover you have the option to select the area of coverage you need. This includes insurance for your life, possessions, vehicle, health and also gap coverage.

Gap insurance is a valuable asset. It is a coverage that expands in covering the extra charges of your medical expenses. You will need to have a medical scheme in place, already, to take out this added financial cover.

The value of having gap insurance lies in the provision you will have set in place, for covering all hospital costs.

Instantlife Gap InsuranceSo your medical scheme will only be taking care of a limited amount of your hospital fees, which form part of their policy. Also, the surplus sum that remains will by far surpass the funds provided by your aid. You will also have to pay for any outstanding fees.

Hospitalised bills are not determined by what is affordable. The invoice’s balance will consist of an amount that covers all medical services you have had need of. These will include the doctors and specialists’ fees, medicine, tests, checkups and operations for your recovery process.

Instantlife Gap Insurance

What does Absa’s Instantlife gap insurance provide cover for?

  • If you or your household find yourself in the position going to the hospital for,
    • An unexpected injury, or due to suffering from
    • A serious condition.


  • Specified processes that are permitted to take place without the need of hospitalisation,
    • Examining the throat with a scope,
    • Scopes related to gastric issues,
    • Some generalised surgical procedures,
    • Woman related surgical treatments,
    • Giving birth in a different environment that is not a hospital,
    • The treatment of cancer,
    • Eye related surgeries,
    • Specific muscle and bone related surgical procedures,
    • Detailed scans of the brain and body,
    • Treatment for kidneys,
    • Examination of the airways, and also
    • Particularsurgical procedures and testing processes around the urinary tract.


  • Additional costs for needing full scans, treatments and procedures.
    • Your medical scheme usually imposes These costs.
    • Your scheme does not cover these fees, though, which leaves you with the responsibility of compensating for the added charges.
    • It’s where gap insurance will step in and take care of it.


  • Further additions that will financially aid you and your loved ones involve a cash payout that will be,
    • Provided due to the unfortunate incident of a severe injury leaving you with a long-lasting disability;
    • Received due to an unexpected passing;
    • Forwarded due to the surprising outcome of being diagnosed as a new arrival cancer patient.


Please complete the form on this page to get a FREE gap cover quote

All info was correct at time of publishing