Momentum Gap Cover

December 5, 2024

Momentum is an insurance company that finance gap coverage. So the company formulated six alternative options, for you to choose from. Momentum Gap Cover options consist of:

  • Customised Insurance;
  • CustomisedAlternate Coverage;
  • Inducement and Expander Insurance;
  • Inducement and ExpanderAlternate Coverage;
  • Student’sChoice Insurance;
  • RegularHospitalisedAlternate Coverage.


Each of these individual insured package deals contains similar facilities among one another. They differ in certain areas, Momentum Gap Coverexcluding or expanding specified services to the insurance deal’s capacity of coverage. The monthly premiums also fluctuate. That happens due to the age of the client and the number of people included per insurance cover.

As human beings, we have a lot of similar needs and health-related experiences. So we have different views on what we each consider as important in our lives. That is why can choose for ourselves.

So the best method in discovering which one of Momentum’s gap insurance deals will benefit you (or your whole household) best is to look at each one individually.


Customised Insurance – Momentum Gap Cover

  • Financially covering an estimated 400% of hospitalisation costs.
  • Paying a specified amount for any additional charges in the necessity of:
    • Thorough scans of your whole body and your brain – whether you need to be hospitalised or not,
    • Admittance charges to be hospitalised – excluding the reasons of either being part of a severe transportation-related incident or going into labour,
    • Extra expense provision in the case of over 50 particular processes.
  • Oncological provision of an approximate 20% on additional costs, once the R300 000 maximum has been used.


Customised Alternate Coverage

The same benefits as the Customised Insurance, with a few alternating add-ons:

  • Provision for prescribed minimum benefits, and
  • A maximum amount, yearly, per household for any prosthetics required.


Inducement and Expander Insurance

  • Financially covering an approximate 500% of hospitalisation expenditures.
  • Paying a specified amount for any additional charges in the necessity of:
    • Extra expense provision in the case of over 15 specific processes and taking care of the health of your teeth.
    • Thorough scans of your whole body and your brain – whether you need to be hospitalised or not.


Inducement and Expander Alternate Coverage

The same assistances as the Inducement and Expander Insurance, with a few alternating add-ons:

  • Provision for prescribed minimum benefits, and
  • Also, a yearly maximum of R60 000, per household, for any prosthetics necessary.


Student’s Choice Insurance

  • Financially covering an approximated 400% of hospitalisation expenses.
  • Also, this insurance excludes any additional costs imposed by your medical scheme.


Regular Hospitalised Alternate Coverage – Momentum Gap Cover

  • Covering an estimated 400% in hospitalised expenditures.
  • This coverage dismisses any of the extra charges levied by medical aids.
  • The inclusion of prescribed minimum benefits.
  • Also, a yearly R60 000 maximum, per household, for needed prosthetics.


For a FREE gap cover quote, complete the form on this page and click on the “Get a Quote” button

All info was correct at time of publishing