Plandirect Medical Gap Cover

November 28, 2024

Experiencing an unexpected hospital visit can be quite daunting. Not only will it be creating an anxiety around your health, but also the financial repercussions thereof. These days most people have medical aids in place for such occasions. This is a step in the right direction but does not cover every aspect. There is only so much that a medicinal cover will be able to take care of. But what can Plandirect Medical Gap Cover do for you?

Reasons for Gap Cover – Plandirect Medical Gap Cover

You will be left with yet more to stress about, even after the medical aid has done their part. This is due to an unknown fact that they only provide a specified price list. The list has predetermined costs for any medicinal requirements, which the medical scheme then implement as their guideline of how much they provide for.

Although many medical institutions may adhere to keep to this list, no obligation binds any medical practitioner to do so. This is why you will sPlandirect Medical Gap Covertill be left with an outstanding amount after your medical aid funded their agreed percentage.

This is what gap coverage is for. You will need to already have a medical cover, before taking out a gap coverage policy as well.

The gap policy, however, will take care of a much higher percentage of your medical statement. This is because the purpose of it is to provide you with the necessary funds that will snuff out the excess amount. Having a gap plan already will assist you greatly, as it will prevent the necessity of you having to pay unexpected charges from your pocket.


The benefits of a gap policy plan:

  • It is a plan that can work well with a variety of South Africa’s available medical schemes.
    • Make sure yours is legally listed, to know that it will run by the country’s laws.
  • This policy is here to add even greater returns to the advantages your medical scheme already provide.
  • The percentage that your medical cover agrees to pay will be multiplied by your gap plan.
    • This means that your gap policy agrees to provide you with up to five times more than the scheme’s initial pay-out.
  • The policy specifies specific areas that Plandirect Medical will cover. Such in the case of you being in the hospital, or to stay in a hospital.
    • These can revolve around additional fees, the necessity of one or more scans and other required tests and services costs.
  • The primary purpose of gap coverage is the aid for hospitalised procedures.
    • The intent is not to use this for medical assistance on a daily basis,  like for a doctor visit or pharmacy prescriptions.


You have the opportunity to choose among options until it fits you best from Plandirect Medical Gap Cover.

These revolve around the following:

  • A plan that provides you with the services that assist your and your household family constructively.
  • Personnel of governmental institutions have unique benefits;
  • Different adaptations for corporate based groups.


Fill in and submit the form on this page to get a FREE gap cover quote!

All info was correct at time of publishing