Stratum Takes the Gap

November 24, 2024

The cost of medical treatment in South Africa is rising, so taking a gap cover is not a luxury. It is a necessity. Stratum gap is the mother of necessity.

With so many options available you won’t want to look further once you come across Stratum Gap Cover.

It is no longer enough to take just a medical cover. You need to have a policy that will cater for medical costs over and above your medical aid plans limits.

Otherwise, you will have to pay for treatment after paying premiums on your medical plan for all those years, now you claim from your gap cover.

Medical aid members can request a medical gap cover quote
by completing and sending the form on this page

Benefit From Over Fifteen years of Insurance Experience to Draw On

Stratum Benefits Medical Aid MembersHaving been in the South African market for over 15 years, Stratum is well placed to cater to your needs.

Drawing on their vast experience, they can offer you and your family gap cover that comprehensively caters to your needs at a price you can afford.

This firm offers you a well-structured, broker-free product that adequately meets the shortfalls of your medical policy.

There are Several Ways in which Stratum Does this –

How Stratum helps you to cover the gap

Most likely your medical cover requires a co-payment from you when you go for treatment, or for certain procedures. A policy like this will save you from reaching back into your pocket.

You may be required to make a payment by your medical scheme when being admitted to hospital before they pay the rest of the bill. Stratum Gap Cover will cater for this.

This cover also takes care of the 500% tariff gap, that essential difference between what your medical aid will pay out in claims and what the healthcare provider charges. It provides for this through the Base 500 product which will pay out up to 500% of your medical scheme’s tariff.

Limits and Sub-limits to Payouts by Medical Aid Schemes –

Besides overall limits on what they will pay out for medical treatment, medical schemes also impose sub-limits on how much they pay for in-hospital procedures and prosthetic limbs.

If the cost of your treatment surpasses the sub-limit, Stratum Gap Cover will pay the difference through its Sub-limit benefit. If you want to benefit from this, you will need to sign up for the Elite option gap cover.

This sub-limit benefit is also available for cancer treatment which most medical aid plans have a sub-limit. But this is only available to subscribers under the Comprehensive benefit.

Stratum also offers the popular Casualty Benefit –

Whichever Stratum Gap Cover option you choose from, you will enjoy the Casualty benefit. Most medical aid schemes do not cover out-patient or casualty treatment, and more often than not, you end up using your savings on such hospital visits.

That is especially true when seeking treatment for injuries caused by accidents such as sprained ankles or broken bones.

The Comprehensive and Elite options avail the Premium Waiver benefit to Stratum Gap Cover subscribers.

In a scenario where you’re unable to keep up with your premiums because of permanent disability, retrenchment or death, your beneficiaries will still be covered for an agreed-upon period.

Medical aid members can request a medical gap cover quote
by completing and sending the form on this page

All info was correct at time of publishing