Why the SA Government Wants to Ban Medical Gap Cover

November 24, 2024

Fortunately, the insurance industry fought back so hard that the proposed legislation means that medical gap cover will still be around in an altered form. Here is the story about why the South African government wants to ban medical gap cover.

Why the South African Government Wants to Ban Medical Gap Cover

The background is as follows:

Criminal regimes who spout socialist rhetoric make unkeepable promises to the vast, non-taxpaying electorate.

Then they turn their attention to massive pools of funds to siphon into their own pockets in the name of the electorate who are waiting with their begging bowls.

Inevitably, the Zuma regime has identified the medical aid industry as a cash cow. They are grooming the sector with the intention of changing it overnight into a government-controlled medical scheme called National Health Insurance (NHI).

Naturally, it will be compulsory for everyone who earns money (a minute percentage of the population) to pay their dues.

Why the South African Government Wants to Ban Medical Gap Cover

And obviously, the government will take control of the fund. State capture will go medical.

The Zuma regime already has pilot schemes in place to see whether NHI can deliver top class, free health care. The results are as expected: where you get stuff for free, there is none of it around.

Legislation appeared in the Government Gazette a few days after Christmas 2016.

But Why Does Government Want to Ban Medical Gap Cover?

The geniuses in government have figured out that when you take out medical gap cover, to insure the shortfall between what your medical aid is prepared to pay and what the invoice is, you don’t have to spend more on medical aid.

Socialists don’t like earning people to spend money on themselves.

They want all the funds possible to go into the cash cow.

The medical schemes find themselves in bed with government. They would prefer people to opt for more expensive medical aid options than take out medical gap cover.

Does Medical Gap Cover Work?

Of course,

  • It’s cheap.
  • It saves consumers money.
  • One policy covers every dependent on the medical aid.
  • You save on medical aid payments.
  • It offers cover for astronomical hospital and specialist costs.
  • You can upgrade so that medical gap cover includes leading edge cardiac and cancer treatments.
  • It’s innovative.
  • It’s free enterprise.
  • Medical gap cover is unique to South Africa.
  • It’s unregulated.

Why would Zuma’s government NOT want to ban it?

To get a FREE gap cover quote, just complete and submit the form on this page


All info was correct at time of publishing