PSG Gap Cover

December 6, 2024

Would PSG Gap Cover be a Good Choice?

  1. Yes, they have the experience of almost 2 decades behind them
  2. They started out in 1998
  3. They are an authorised financial services provider
  4. PSG caters for all South Africans, having some 200 offices dotted around South Africa
  5. They partner with leading insurance advisers to bring customers the best products

The medical aid schemes of South Africa have announced their contribution increases for 2018 and it’s not looking particularly good for medical aid members.

It’s not that the increases have been particularly steep for the new year – but South Africans just can’t afford any more increases anywhere. With most medical aids increasing their premiums in the region of PSG Gap Cover7% to 12%, it has simply meant that gap cover has become even more essential.

Choose PSG Gap Cover Because It Makes a Difference

When you choose gap cover, you can’t just choose the cheapest plan – more important is to make sure that the gap cover you choose can make a difference to the way you settle your medical bills.

Medical Aid’s don’t cover everything, and without this gap cover, you might find yourself having to pay hundreds of thousands of Rands if you suddenly become ill. How will you pay these bills when you discover that your medical aid isn’t going to?

There is no shortage of good gap cover providers in South Africa and we take a look at what PSG gap cover has in store.


  • PSG is a leading independent financial services group
  • they have in the region of 200 offices throughout South Africa as well as 2 offices in Windhoek
  • they’ve been in operation since 1998 so have many years of experience
  • their services range from insurance to asset- and wealth management
  • short-term insurance cover to protect you from those unforeseen events
  • this short-term insurance is for the individual and for business purposes
  • PSG partners with leading insurance advisers so as to provide a full range of insurance options
  • they provide a variety of healthcare and medical aid options from different insurance providers
  • they arrange additional gap cover to enhance your healthcare benefits
  • their gap cover takes care of hospitalisation and medical costs that your medical aid won’t pay out
  • you can conveniently click on their website for a PSG consultant to call you back with more information
  • they can put you in contact with an accredited financial adviser or you can make use of PSG’s own advisers
  • PSG’s medical gap cover takes care of shortfalls on authorised in-hospital procedures, co-payments on procedures, upfront deductibles and sub-limits as well as a number of other costs such as maternity and oncology benefits and in-hospital recovery
  • PSG likes to meet face to face with their clients as this eliminates misunderstandings. Submit your contact details and they will be in touch to set up an appointment with you.



Don’t for one minute think that with medical aid you’re 100% covered so that you never have to contend with medical bills. Your medical aid won’t pay for those excess amounts that unregulated specialists charge you over and above the tariff limits set by the medical schemes.

PSG is however looking out for your health and they are available to care for your health in those situations when your medical aid is unable to.

Fill in their online form and submit it. Get peace of mind that your medical bills will be taken care of in 2018 and beyond.

Complete and then submit the form on this page to get your gap cover quote

All info was correct at time of publishing