More of us make the mistake of thinking our medical cover stretches to any and all expenses we may face in a hospital. A free Gap cover quote explains why this is not so. Imagine your surprise when you find out that your…
It’s time to join a Gap cover scheme because specialist medical costs are higher now than ever. With increased costs comes a surge in medical fees from unforeseen illnesses or accidents. Support your medical aid policy with shortfall insurance today, for your family’s…
Become a gap cover member and receive safety in the knowledge of having financial shortfall cover. If you end up in the hospital and require specialist treatment. Gap cover will pay the shortfall amount your medical aid can’t. Become a Gap cover Member and enjoy…
Protect yourself and your family from medical shortfalls by getting immediate Gap cover benefits now! Being a member of a medical scheme does not mean you won’t pay extra medical costs. Immediate Gap cover Benefits can be Yours Your medical aid plan only…
If you have medical aid, look into getting shortfall insurance. Gap cover for everyone is available right now. Often following a medical event, the cost of treatment can quickly add up. Soon your medical scheme plan will run out of funds, creating a…
A Medical aid plan today often cannot match up to medical specialist fees. Because of this, you need to get stress-free Gap cover. There is an ever widening gap between medical costs and medical scheme rates. This has led to many patients finding themselves financially…
There is a number of ways to find good Gap cover. The easiest by far is an online gap cover quote. The result of the search is the best way to find benefits that are important to you and your family. And at an affordable…
If you have a medical aid plan look into also buying gap cover. All gap cover benefits can be yours at a good rate. Often following treatment, the cost can quickly add up, over and above what your medical scheme can pay, thus creating a…
Why buy Gap cover? Simple, you enjoy benefits beyond the limits of your medical aid. Gap cover caters for the shortfall when health professionals charge over and above what your health scheme is willing to pay. Q: Why buy Gap cover? A: High…
The best Gap cover providers offer support and peace of mind when you need it most. When your medical aid falls short and can’t meet the cost of a sudden accident or illness, Gap cover provides. By making up the shortfall, gap cover…