The Benefits of Discovery Life Gap Cover
December 5, 2024
You have to ask yourself, even if you are a Discovery medical aid member. Is what I have enough, and will it cover all of my costs? In today’s modern world, medical aids are coming under greater and greater financial strain. In effect, not all of their members’ medical expenses can be met. Fortunately for their members, Discovery Gap Cover is now available. To provide you with the means to cover the entire costs associated with your hospital stay. Continue to read this article to learn more about discovery life gap cover.
How Discovery Gap Cover Will Help You – Discovery life gap cover
Although sadly, there is usually a difference between the actual bill of a consultation and what your medical aid will pay. This does not exclude the treatment or medication, which you get cover for by your medical aid. This results in a shortfall, or gap, which you have to pay the healthcare provider. You have to pay for this gap, from your pocket. Unless you already have Discovery Gap Cover. All existing Discovery members qualify for Discovery Gap Cover, regardless of which options you have chosen. With Discovery Gap cover, you can have peace of mind while in a hospital. Because you won’t have to struggle to pay expensive medical bills. For just a small monthly premium, you can now have the satisfaction of knowing that your Gap Cover will pay for any expenses that fall outside of your existing Discovery scheme.
PMBs, Your Medical Aid, and Rising Healthcare Costs – Discovery life gap cover
According to South African law, all medical schemes must provide cover for a certain number of Prescribed Minimum Benefits (PMBs). This ensures that every member is covered for certain minimum health services, including:
- Emergency medical conditions requiring immediate treatment
- A list of 270 specified medical conditions
- 25 chronic conditions
Unfortunately, this enforced cover is not only raising medical expenses, but also draining the reserves of many of South Africa’s leading medical aid providers. All of South Africa’s top insurance companies – Discovery, Fedhealth, Momentum Health, Old Mutual, and others – are finding it difficult to meet their responsibilities. In response to this state of affairs, Discovery Gap Cover is becoming more and more popular. Some specialised companies such as Zestlife and Complimed are also now offering this kind of gap policy to compliment your existing Discovery policy.
Who Qualifies for Gap Cover? – Discovery life gap cover
Anyone who is a member of a medical scheme or hospital plan can qualify for Gap Cover. However, unlike traditional medical schemes, which are legally required to accept any person who can pay their premiums, providers of Gap Cover may need a medical check-up to determine whether existing medical conditions will influence the policy.
Is Gap Cover Necessary With an Existing Discovery Policy? – Discovery life gap cover
Although all Discovery policies are as comprehensive as possible, there is always a chance that your current scheme will not cover all potential needs. Gap Cover is therefore recommended to ensure your peace of mind and financial stability in times of medical crisis. Contact one of Discovery’s expert advisers today and learn more about the benefits of Discovery Gap Cover.
Fill in and submit the form on this page to get your one free gap cover quote!
All info was correct at time of publishing