Important Things to Know About Gap Cover
December 8, 2024
You’ve probably heard of gap cover more than once but don’t know exactly what it is. Gap cover is a top-up to your medical aid insurance. It can be described as a low-cost-high-value insurance product. That can be taken out to be used in situations where your medical aid scheme does not cover all the costs. In this article, we will highlight some important things to know about gap cover.
Important Things to Know about Medical Aid and Gap Cover
Most brokers and even some medical aid providers recommend that clients have gap cover. Having this insurance is critically important. It especially comes in handy when you get a hefty hospital bill. After your stay and find out that your medical aid scheme does not cover all the costs! Some specialist in South Africa might even refuse to perform certain surgeries on people who do not have gap cover. The reason for this is that they more than often experience partial payments from medical aid schemes. And consider gap cover as a form of insurance that prevents this from happening again.
The Gap between medical aid and your pocket
There important things to know when it comes to gap cover. Since the gap between costs funded by medical aid schemes and the actual cost of hospital admissions and procedures. Has grown so large over the past few years, the issue of unavailable funds simply just cannot be ignored. With the current state of more than half of South Africa’s government hospitals, could you afford not having funds to get yourself or a family member hospitalised in a private hospital? Having gap cover on top of your medical aid scheme could enable you to get the best hospital services and make use of top surgeons and specialists without needing to worry about unpayable high costs. This kind of peace of mind is something that no price can be put on!
Gap Cover is a necessity
Gap cover needs to be considered a necessity for everyone. Whether you’re young and healthy or ageing and have concerns about your health, gap cover is needed by you! Ending up in the hospital can occur daily and without warning. It can be due to failing health, an accident or as a result of crime – the unexpected possibilities are endless. Getting medial aid gap cover for yourself as well as your loved ones shouldn’t even be something to consider – it should just be done! Planning ahead has never been a bad idea and having gap cover will help you avoid possible financial troubles in the case of sudden health emergencies. Gap cover options are also flexible and there are enough to choose from so that you can find one that fits your lifestyle and budget perfectly!
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All info was correct at time of publishing