Gap cover for medical aid members made simple

November 24, 2024

Here is an article: Gap Cover made simple.

Many South Africans under the misguided conception that their medical aid scheme will cover 100 percent of their healthcare costs.

Little do they know that this belief couldn’t be further from the truth.

The cold hard facts are the complete opposite. Yes, the medical scheme contracts may say you have cover for 100% of the cost various hospital procedures and treatments.

But the true interpretation of that clause is that the medical scheme will pay 100 percent of its stipulated tariffs.

So the true value of your medical scheme is simple to calculate.

For example, your medical aid may stipulate an amount of say R50,000 for an appendectomy.

But, after the operation, you get a bill for R85,000 from your medical professionals.

That leaves you with a whopping R35,000 shortfall that you will have to finance out of your own pocket.

Gap Cover Made SimpleThat’s where Gap Cover kicks in.

Gap insurance is a form of short-term insurance. It covers the gap between what your medical aid pays and what healthcare professionals actually charge you.

Gap Cover Made Simple – What Gap Cover is on offer?

It does not matter which medical scheme you choose. It can Discovery, Momentum or any other of the many others.

Whichever one you are on, you need Gap Cover to foot the bill of your healthcare shortfalls.

Competition for your business is fierce, so you will find that different Gap Cover benefits are offered by the myriad of short-term insurance companies such as Ambledown, Complimed and Zestlife.

The range of benefits you choose will dictate your monthly premium. Gap Cover is generally very affordable. But the more benefits you select, the more it is going to cost you each month.

There is really only one rule of thumb to follow. Do your due diligence and research all the different Gap Cover policies available before making a final decision about which insurance service provider best suits you and your family needs.

Gap Cover Made Simple – Do you qualify for Gap Cover?

Only registered members of an existing medical aid scheme qualify for Gap Cover, a short-term form of insurance that protects you from possible financial ruin in the event of necessary hospital procedures or other medical emergencies.

Gap Cover Made Simple – Gap Cover is flexible

The beauty about Gap Cover is that it offers you the flexibility to manoeuvre your finances to suit your monthly budget.

For example, there is nothing to stop you from downgrading your present medical aid benefits when opting to include additional healthcare perks on a Gap Cover policy.

Speak to your insurance advisor about this loop-hole which enables you to cutback on the cost of your monthly medical aid premiums to help finance a good range of Gap Cover benefits. In fact, you can even change from one medical scheme to another and retain your Gap Cover.

As previously stated, Gap Cover is generally very affordable and you can insure your entire family for as little as R300 monthly.

Gap Cover Made Simple – Points to remember

Gap Cover is not a medical aid scheme.

It is simply a short-term insurance policy that covers you for the difference between what your medical scheme is prepared to pay and the final costs of any procedures or treatments.

Remember that these final accounts from your healthcare professionals can amount to 500 percent more than what your medical scheme is prepared to pay!

Complete the form on this page and you will receive one FREE Gap Cover quote.

All info was correct at time of publishing