Stratum Gap Cover Benefits for All Medical Aid Plans
December 2, 2024
There is a solution to those medical bills you receive which your medical aid won’t cover. Stratum gap cover benefits are essential because your medical aid plan doesn’t cover you totally for many of the medical treatments you may require.
Gap cover isn’t a medical aid, but rather an enhancement to it. Stratum’s BASE option, for instance, has been created to offer excellent benefits, covering you when your medical scheme doesn’t pay. It just removes the stress of unforeseen expenses for a stint in the hospital.
Details About Stratum Gap Cover Benefits
Stratum’s gap benefit provides peace of mind when an in- or out-of-hospital medical procedure becomes necessary. Remember, your specialist may charge a rate which is considerably more than what your medical scheme pays, and this is when Stratum Gap Cover benefits start.
Stratum Gap Cover Benefits Itemised
- You get cover for medical procedures in- and out of the hospital, in the specialist’s rooms or a day clinic.
- Members get protection from the enormous medical costs your specialist charges you which are far beyond
regular medical aid rates.
- You are covered for Prescribed Minimum Benefit (PMB) medical procedures.
- Stratum’s gap cover benefit provides additional 500% cover when you become liable for the difference between your doctor and what your medical scheme pays.
- With Stratum there is no limit to the number of times you may claim per year. This is for account shortfalls related to:
– pathology
– physiotherapy
– doctors or specialists
– X-rays
– disposable items such as bandages, surgical gloves
– medication
A typical example of how Stratum’s gap cover benefits you:
With childbirth, for instance, your gynaecologist fees are R18 000 of which your medical aid will only pay R12 000. Stratum will pay the shortfall of R6 000. And your paediatrician will charge you R3 500 for services rendered, of which your medical aid will pay R2 500. Stratum will pay the shortfall of R1000 leaving you with nothing outstanding to pay.
So Many Benefits to Enjoy
- Stratum also has a Casualty Benefit which offers generous benefits towards exceptional medical care.
- Stratum covers the cost of your casualty up to R5 000 per policy each year.
- You’ll be going to a registered casualty facility in the event of an accident.
- Stratum will refund the cost of the casualty event to you for instance when your medical scheme pays the event from your medical scheme savings account.
- Other benefits include trauma counselling benefit, cancer diagnosis benefit and road accident benefit.
Don’t Waste Time – Start Benefiting Today
Stratum says they make every second count, and they ensure that they don’t wait a minute with getting the cover on the go. So by filling in your details quickly online, before you know it, you’ll have cover. Understandably, many South Africans are making the change from the gap cover they already have to Stratum.
Importantly, Stratum has a dynamic team of Brand Ambassadors who have created a streamlined process for those who want to transfer cover from one provider to this leading medical shortfall specialist. So byy moving over to Stratum, they’re spared those huge bills, that without gap cover from Stratum, they would never be able to manage.
To request a gap cover quote, just type the form on this page and click “Get Quote”
All info was correct at time of publishing